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Professional, Dependable, Timely
Service You Can Count On!
"Leading The Way In Non-Emergency Medical Transport
Hillsboro Transport, Est. 2006
Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help our clients know what to expect when utilizing Hillsboro Transport services.
We know that you will have many questions when it comes to your non-emergency medical transport services.
Even though we can’t possibly answer all your question via the web, we hope to answer as many as we can, or at least the most frequently asked questions.
If there are any questions that are not answered on this page, or if you would like more information related to your transportation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are available by phone: (937)-402-4188, email: or our contact page.
We are here to assist you!
We transport patients who have been scheduled and authorized by their insurance company. An additional passenger must be authorized by the insurance company.
Passengers are given a pick-up time. Patients should be ready to go when the driver arrives so we may keep on schedule for all pick-ups.
Drivers are only permitted to stop at destinations authorized by your insurance company.
If you have a child that requires a car seat, be sure to bring it with you. Secure your child before the trip begins. You must take your car seat with you to your appointment. At times you may return home with a different driver and you will need the car seat.
When you have completed your appointment, please call our dispatcher at (937) 393- 4153. Let the dispatcher know where you are being picked up and they will give you an estimated pick up time.
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